The Tree of joy!.......8th October 2010, 22:45

Yes! Alleluia! I, my friends, have at last found a solution for Juli to talk to me. Guess what I did...... I planted a Sycamore tree in her yard = )..(Mind you, it was a small one). You see, for the past 2 880 minutes, I was desperately trying to get Juli to talk to me. When I came home from school the day before yesterday, I kept running up and down from my house to hers, ringing the doorbell, calling her, ringing the doorbell, calling her, ringing the doorbell, well you get the point. When my granddad asked me why are you acting as if the world's on fire(by the way it is - Global Warming), I blurted all about trying to kiss Juli and now trying to get her to call me. He just chuckled and walked away. Well he didn't actually chuckle, he sort of told me that " son, you'll never be the same again." I mean seriously, like that's gonna help. So, I racked my brains to try and fing out what I could do to get Juli to tall to me. And BAM! the idea hit me. Yes my friends, you're right. i thought of the days Juli was happy in the Sycamore tree and at that moment, I wanted her to burst with joy. So, I ran to the florist and bought a one metro tall sycamore tree WITH MY OWN MONEY and planted it in her yard. Mr. Baker wanted to help but I just said "no thanks Mr. B" and continued. About half and hour later, Juli came over. I was flooded with joy. We talked for age with a cool cup of lemonade in our hands. I felt as if a big weight was taken off my shoulders. I felt as if the world was rotating in the right direction at last..........= )

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