The Egg Incident.....Bryce- 28th September 2010, 20:40

I totally blew it today! You see, over the past 2 years, I've been receiving eggs from my neighbor Juli. On the first day, Juli came prancing up our front yard and rang the doorbell. Sadly, I was the one who had to open the door and the moment I did, I immediately regretted it as Juli shoved a box full of chicken eggs into my hands; claiming it was from Abbie, Bonnie, Clyde and Dexter- her science-fair raised chickens. This morning, she came over as usual to give the eggs. As always since the past 2 years, I was standing ready at the door to take her eggs. The moment she rang the doorbell, I yanked open the door and grabbed the eggs from her. However, today was different. When I came out without eh trash with the carton in it, she was still standing at the doorway. Her curiosity brought her to study the trash bin and obviously, she saw the carton. So, she asked "Did they break?" and before I could answer, she had taken out the carton. Then, the guilt hit me like a train going at 200 miles an hour; she started asking me awkward questions in this wobbly voice. Just to get it over as fast as possible, I told her about my mum being afraid of salmonella as her chickens were feeding of a yard full of crap. " I told it to her as if we were right and she was wrong. Man, I felt/feel like a jerk, a complete cluck-faced jerk. 

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