The Tree of joy!.......8th October 2010, 22:45

Yes! Alleluia! I, my friends, have at last found a solution for Juli to talk to me. Guess what I did...... I planted a Sycamore tree in her yard = )..(Mind you, it was a small one). You see, for the past 2 880 minutes, I was desperately trying to get Juli to talk to me. When I came home from school the day before yesterday, I kept running up and down from my house to hers, ringing the doorbell, calling her, ringing the doorbell, calling her, ringing the doorbell, well you get the point. When my granddad asked me why are you acting as if the world's on fire(by the way it is - Global Warming), I blurted all about trying to kiss Juli and now trying to get her to call me. He just chuckled and walked away. Well he didn't actually chuckle, he sort of told me that " son, you'll never be the same again." I mean seriously, like that's gonna help. So, I racked my brains to try and fing out what I could do to get Juli to tall to me. And BAM! the idea hit me. Yes my friends, you're right. i thought of the days Juli was happy in the Sycamore tree and at that moment, I wanted her to burst with joy. So, I ran to the florist and bought a one metro tall sycamore tree WITH MY OWN MONEY and planted it in her yard. Mr. Baker wanted to help but I just said "no thanks Mr. B" and continued. About half and hour later, Juli came over. I was flooded with joy. We talked for age with a cool cup of lemonade in our hands. I felt as if a big weight was taken off my shoulders. I felt as if the world was rotating in the right direction at last..........= )

The Basket Boy Competition.......6th October 2010, 20:32

Its official, I hate Mrs. McClure. Of all the years I've been in this school, she has to choose this particular,complicated year. This competition is basically something like a set up date. On the day of the competition, you have to prepare a lunch for you. You also have to dress really nicely i.e. wear a tie and a shirt. The, during lunch, people, in this circumstance, girls bid on you and the highest bidder gets to have lunch with you and so, you get to miss the last periods until the school ends. Today, Shelly Stalls and Miranda, supposedly the hottest girls in school bid on me, one hundred and twenty two fifty. A school record! Man, I really was down in the dumps because Juli bid for Jon, this loner guy. During lunch, Miranda and Shelly was saying these nast stuff about Jumbo Jenny. Then, they started this tan war that ended both of them in flaky apple tatrs. I got so fed up because Juli was laughing with Jon at some joke. Aaaargh!Of all the times, I choose to like Juli during the lunch! So, I stalked up to her, took her to the centre of the class and asked her wether she liked Jon. Then, I tried to kiss her!! After that, everything was a blur. Juli started dodging me. I understand its kind of embarrassing to be pulled in the middle of a classroom to be tried to be kissed by a boy. But still, it can't be as devastating to the extent of dodging me.

I Can't stop looking at her ...... 30th September 2010, 21:52

OMG! I'd spent so many years avoiding Juli Baker that I'd never really looked at her and now all of a sudden, I can't stop. It all started when I went with a walk with granddad. This was because of mum getting emotional of what dad said, "the Bakers have a retarded family member" or something like that anyway. I guess I would act like mum if I had a son who had his umbilical cod wound twice around the neck. Anyway, granddad practically asked me to read the article. Of course he didn't say it directly. We walked all the way to the grounded Sycamore tree before he exclaimed that Juli still had the "spark" that the tree gave her. So, anyway, I read the article and seriously, what's wrong with letting guy cut down a tree in his own land. The paper was "a gag-me gush except for the places they quoted Juli. What Juli said was deep. It would have made no sense one month back when granddad gave the article but now, it was like I understand everything Juli. It was way more than an 
A++. Moreover, a month ago, I wouldn't have bothered about the pictures. But today, I stared at it as if my life depended on it. Not the picture of the rescue equipment, the one with Juli in the tree, shoulder up. She was looking into the distance and her hair was blown back like she was at the helm of the ship. I buried the article into my pillow but before I knew it, I had it out again. I am slipping man, it is definitely time to get a grip.

The Egg Incident.....Bryce- 28th September 2010, 20:40

I totally blew it today! You see, over the past 2 years, I've been receiving eggs from my neighbor Juli. On the first day, Juli came prancing up our front yard and rang the doorbell. Sadly, I was the one who had to open the door and the moment I did, I immediately regretted it as Juli shoved a box full of chicken eggs into my hands; claiming it was from Abbie, Bonnie, Clyde and Dexter- her science-fair raised chickens. This morning, she came over as usual to give the eggs. As always since the past 2 years, I was standing ready at the door to take her eggs. The moment she rang the doorbell, I yanked open the door and grabbed the eggs from her. However, today was different. When I came out without eh trash with the carton in it, she was still standing at the doorway. Her curiosity brought her to study the trash bin and obviously, she saw the carton. So, she asked "Did they break?" and before I could answer, she had taken out the carton. Then, the guilt hit me like a train going at 200 miles an hour; she started asking me awkward questions in this wobbly voice. Just to get it over as fast as possible, I told her about my mum being afraid of salmonella as her chickens were feeding of a yard full of crap. " I told it to her as if we were right and she was wrong. Man, I felt/feel like a jerk, a complete cluck-faced jerk.